Leaves may be distorted, deformed, or puckered. Yellow or green patches (mottling) on the leaves Can spread rapidly, causing plants to yellow and die May be on upper and lower surfaces starts mid-summer on older leaves. Starts on older leaves in early to late summer Yellow, angular spots on upper leaf surface, with gray fuzzy spots on the undersides Centers of the spots may drop out and leave ragged holes Spots may be round or irregular, angular-shaped. Pale yellow, tan, or gray spots on leaf surfaces Mites can be seen on leaf undersides with the naked eye or hand lens Leaves may eventually appear tattered, yellow Small yellow-green or white spots on leaves (stippling) This table includes the most common problems of cucumbers described above, as well as minor, occasional problems of lesser significance.
Use this picture guide (or the table below) to identify the most common problems of cucumbers in Maryland gardens and how to address them. All are vulnerable to similar diseases and pests, while some problems are more prevalent among cucumbers in particular.

They are a member of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae or “cucurbit”) and share characteristics with related vegetable plants: squash, zucchini, melons, and pumpkins. Cucumbers ( Cucumis sativus ) are warm-season annual plants that are popular to grow in home gardens.